After 6.5 hour drive we made it to Falmouth from Sheffield on Tuesday 14th March. A day later than we had originally planned but this becomes a theme over the next few days…
They say that moving house is the most stressful thing you can do and, yes, I completely agree. More stressful at times than bits of the PhD! The problem is we had lived in our flat in Sheffield for four and a half years. As we both tend towards hoarding this meant we had a lot of stuff and junk. We managed to bag up a lot for charity but still had a lot left over. We put it in storage instead of filling up our parents houses and the removal people came on Friday and took everything within 30 mins. It had taken us over a week to box and bag everything up and it was a bit annoying to see them take it so quickly after our stress and struggle sorting it all… Oh well, it’s gone and safe til we return!
We moved out on Sunday, it was sad to see our flat so empty and undecorated! I will miss my wall of maps and postcards. We had a fun couple of days in sleeping bags, using sporks and one plate since the storage people took things on Friday. We kept our computers and a few clothes and plants which we put in our rental car. It ended up being more than we thought, oops. We filled the lift…
The journey begins…
When we moved out of AP the lift was broken. And we were on the top floor. No sympathy!
“A journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single day of stress” – Christopher Brown
That’s the price you pay for penthouse living!