Last night we arrived into the port of Antwerp in Belgium. This morning we clambered down the rickety steps on to solid ground, and it couldn’t have come quicker.

The Independent Venture was a much smaller vessel than our previous container ship and the North Atlantic seemingly more changeable. We boarded to horror stories from the port taxi driver, a container ship had supposedly been lost in a storm last year with all crew missing presumed dead, and reports from the crew about the storm they got caught in off the east coast just a few days before. They hadn’t lost any containers, but a vessel caught up further south lost 70.

Two days we were bed-ridden due to the waves coming from directly behind us resulting in extremely erratic movements. On the days we weren’t stuck in our cabins we were still mostly lying down and feeling slightly nauseous, supplied with biscuits and fruit from the messman. Most of the crew weren’t overly sympathetic, “this is nothing”, they repeated.

Despite the seasickness it was a great experience to sail up the English Channel, through the Netherlands and into Belgium. Watching Cornwall pass by on the electronic sea charts, hearing Falmouth Coastguard over the radio and sailing past the White Cliffs of Dover was a great way to come home. Well, nearly home, just a slight detour for beer in Belgium and then home on the weekend!

10 thoughts on “Venture Over

  1. What an amazing adventure you have had. I’ve really enjoyed your blog so hope it continues with new adventures in the future!

  2. Welcome to Antwerp. Like the City a lot. My pick of bars/cafes would be the Kulminator, 32 Vleminkveld. Opens at 4pm. Bier Central one block up on the right from Central on De Keyserlei and the Waagstuk on Stadswaag. These two are pretty much all-dayers today and tomorrow.

    Jealous beyond the extreme. Cheers Rosanna and Mischa.

    1. Thanks, have really enjoyed it! Yes we made it to the Kulminator and Oud Arsenaal was recommended to us which was a nice place too. Unfortunately couldn’t make it to the others you suggested, already in Brussels now! Next time.

    1. It’s not quite over, we’re still enjoying a few days in Belgium before our return to the UK on the weekend. It’s been a pleasure sharing it with our friends back home, helped us feel connected when we were way out there!

  3. I have loved reading about your adventures and I have learned so much with you along the way. Safe journey back to the U.K. and looking forward to finding what your plans are next xx

    1. Ah Faye, glad you’ve enjoyed reading them! We’ll be back in Sheffield in a few weeks, I look forward to catching up. At the moment there are possibly too many plans for what to do next!

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